viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010


The Backpackers Gastronomical Revolution is back NOW 

New Age Colombian Traditional Cuisine by former star Michelin Chef
 Friday October 29th 11 Course Dinner MENU

1.       Appetizer.   Aperitivo oriental con pasta y cilantro. Asian style appetizer with noodles and coriander.

2.      Mango and guineo banano en ensalada ensalada con queso  costeño. Salad with mango banano guineo manzano and costeño farm cheese.

3.      Gazpacho tropical, receta clasica, pero con un toque caribeño. Cold  spanish typical tomato and veggies chowder *tropical gazpacho* .

4.      Aguacate en  filetes con queso crema  y mermelada de corozos, con una vinagreta de maracuyá. Aguacate en filetes with goat cottage cheese and local raspberries marmalade with passion fruit vinaigrette.

5.       Ceviche de Pechuga de pollo estilo peruano, Gaston Acurio. Peruvian Famous Chef Gaston Acurio, Chicken Brest Ceviche with red peppers cream.

6.      Tomate relleno asado.Slightly roasted tomato stuffed with pine apple and topped with a warm fresh tangerine sauce.*

7.       Papa criolla con ahogao y Zapote  a traditional onions and peppers stew *AHOGAO*, , with Zapote fruit served with the juice of cooking the potatoes thickened with seaweed.

8.      El  Bulli y Ferran Adrià, mejor restaurante del mundo, tortilla española, pero nosotros lo hemos tropicalizado El Bulli y Ferran Adrià, spanish omelette, with a tropical touch. Served with an onion-lime-peppers cream.

9.      Pollo desmechado. Traditional Deboned chiken.
10.  Arroz de coco. Santa Marta’s coconut flavored rice with veggies.

11.  Postre/Dessert. Plátano amarillo en almíbar y mermelada de moras. Caramelized Yellow plantain. Served with its caramel, and raspberries sauce.

Republika de Artistas Gastronomical Circus

            07.30 PM

19.000 COP per person  (includes the whole 10+ course menu)
No hay que elegir, se degustan todos los platos 
 Beberages not included. 
*Vegetarian options and all sort of diets available upon request
 Only by appointment. Booking in advance strictly needed.
Please sign up before 02.00 PM on Tuesday 26th
AT ALUNA RECEPTION DESK or at 3207151770     

OR BY MAIL               

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